Tuesday 11 September 2012

Discussions on the Cover

When we first started the novel, one of the very first things we did was to analyse the cover to see if it gave any clues to the themes and ideas in the novel. You will remember that we also looked at the possibility of there being symbols on the front cover (especially the apple- fairy stories, Snow White, the Garden of Eden, gravity).

Now that we have read a few chapters through the novel, are there any further significances in the illustrations on the cover?

Bicycles- the only mode of transport allowed. This would seem to suggest that they are unable to travel great distances and must stay close to the Community.

The Elephant- this is Lilly's comfort object. There are no animals in the community and they don't even know what an animal is.

The Apple- may symbolise temptation

The Bright World in the Middle- good use of contrast, suggests a different exciting world

Light and dark- Suggests community may be living in a type of darkness, suggests a world without colour

The trees- Nature seems to be so far away

Main character walking away, going towards the light, turning his back on his world...Released????

Suggestion that information is suppressed

Monday 10 September 2012


You are very welcome 9F to your very own blog on The Giver!

In this blog we will record our research, discussions, ideas and thoughts on the novel as we read through it.

Happy blogging everyone!